Journalists associations
Journalists working in public and private media and other communication professionals in Niger can join one of the many associations supporting them in the development of their careers. Following is a list of the most active:
- Association Contrechamps Niger was founded in 2001 by a group of journalists with the aim to share skills with the southern media landscape, in a logic of capacity building and in a deeply confiding spirit. The conviction of Contrechamps is that the free exercise of all forms of information is a factor of democracy, freedom and emancipation. Thanks to the volunteer commitment of many professionals and the financial support of various partners (Swiss Cooperation, National Games Committee of the Francophonie, Canal Plus Foundation, Varenne Foundation, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UNDP, Reporters Without Borders, Delegation of the European Union), most often in partnership with the Training Institute for Information and Communication Technologies (IFTIC), 78 workshops on topics such as journalism, graphic design, shooting, video and audio editing, script writing, video production etc were organised for the benefit of nearly 1,000 Nigerien trainees. The association also helped to create newspapers such as Tel Quel, Aïcha, and the Journal des Jeux providing support and material, mainly through IFTIC;
- Association des Journalistes du Niger (Nigerien Journalists Association - AJN) is an association of journalists coming from the private sector and from public service. It aims is to discuss about issues related to media development and the general development of the country;
- Association des Promoteurs des Radios Privées du Niger (Association of Private Radio Promoters of Niger - APRPN) is an association of radio owners. Its aims at improving the conditions for the existence of radios in Niger. When there is a menace, the association tries to stop the process by a press release or a strike. Similarly, the Association des Radios et Télévisions Indépendantes (Association of Independent Radios and Televisions - ARTI) unites both radio and television owners;
- Association Nigérienne des Éditeurs de la Presse Indépendante (Nigerien Association of Independent Press Editors - ANEPI and the Union Nationale des Éditeurs de la Presse (National Union of Press Editors - UNEP) unite editors who aim to promote free media in Niger. The former also participates in the defense of editors’ rights;
- Coordination Nationale des Radios Communautaires (National Coordination of Community Radios - CN/RACOM) is the entity federating the community radio stations broadcasting in rural areas;
- Réseau des Journalistes pour les Droits de l’Homme (Network of Journalists for Human Rights - RJDH) is a journalists association that promotes human rights;
- The Niger branch of the Association des Professionnelles Africaines de la Communication (Association of African Woman Professionals in Communication - APAC Niger) is formed by women journalists in Niger. Its aims and objectives are to promote women in general, and women in media in particular. APAC takes into account many subjects such as women leadership, women empowerment and rights;
- The Niger branch of the Union de la Presse Francophone (Union of Francophone Press - UPF) is part of an international francophone press association which aims to promote the French language and media in French-speaking areas.