Opinion makers
Civil society organisations have quite an impact on the public opinion of Niger. The most influential ones are:
- Alternatives Espaces Citoyens (Citizens Alternative Spaces - AEC) - AEC analyses the national budget in order to know if social sectors have been taken into account when developing the economic structure of the budget;
- Réseau des Organisations pour la Transparence et l'Analyse Budgétaire (Network of the Organisations for Transparence and Budget Analysis - ROTAB Niger) - ROTAB is best known for its fight against the lack of transparency on extractive industries. Niger is rich with uranium, oil, gold and many other resources that should ultimately benefit its people. ROTAB tries to have eyes on the sector in order to prevent diversion of resources.
- Mouvement pour une Citoyenneté Responsable (Movement for Responsible Citizenship - MPCR) - MPCR publishes regularly a press release on eventual bad behaviour of authorities in terms of management of public funds and respect for democracy.