In 1964, Niger was one of the first countries in Sub-Saharan Africa to have a television, even if it was mainly intended for educational purposes, since the literacy level post-independence was very low. The current public television was born on 6 April, 1979, initially broadcasting four days a week and soon after every day. Its mission is still to design, plan and produce television programmes. In this context, its tasks include organising and animating the services of the Directorate; managing the budget appropriations allocated to the Directorate; managing all the personnel assigned to the Directorate and plan, in connection with the needs, training and development provided by the Directorate of Administrative and Financial Affairs.
The liberalisation of the audiovisual space enshrined in Ordinance N 93-031 of 1993, which provides in its article 1 that "audiovisual communication is free", about ten private television channels are currently broadcasting in Niger. Bonferey, Ténéré, Sarraounia, Liptako, Labari, Tambara, Canal 3, and Dounia broadcast in Niamey and some of the programmes are also received in inner parts of the country. In such areas, the presence of television channels is rather reduced. Thus in Zinder, the television Gaskiya broadcasts in the city with limited coverage in certain areas of the region. The programmes of these TV channels include religious broadcasts concerning Islam, which is the most prominent religion, and Christianism.