Universities and schools
The national Institut de Formation aux Techniques de l'Information et de la Communication (Training Institute for Information and Communication Technologies - IFTIC) provides the only journalism course in Niger. It is a vocational and technical training school, with public status. Its objectives are the initial training, the improvement and the retraining of the personnel of public and private organisations. Its activities cover journalism, radio and TV production, technical and artistic professions, filming, sound recording, video editing, audiovisual maintenance and documentary information sciences (documentation, archives). IFTIC offers short- and long-term training, including doctoral LMD courses. As of 2019, in IFTIC there are 257 students at the middle level, of which 193 are women. At the upper level, there are 215 students of which 139 are women. For the Master degree, there are 117 students and 61 are women. The percentage of women for the three levels is 66,72 percent. IFTIC has 95 teachers (11 of which are permanent). There is only one woman in this category. There are 81 temporary teachers including 3 women. There are 3 teachers who are civil servants and 2 of them are women.
The Abdoul Moumouni Dioffo University of Niamey also offers a Master’s Degree in Communication.
Some private schools such as the Institut Africain de Technologie (African Institute of Technology), SODESI Informatique, ESCAE, IRIMAG/CFM, IPHEC, and CEFOPROTEG, do not teach journalism but provide knowledge on different branches of communication such as communication for development, business communication, etc.