Company profiles

The mobile phone market is dominated by three companies: SOTELMA/MALITEL , Orange Mali and Telecel. According to data from the AMRTP annual report of 2017, mobile subscribers are estimated at 22.03 million, with a penetration rate of 120 percent. There are 21.9 million subscribers to prepaid plans, against 37,898 postpaid subscribers. The mobile telephony pool is distributed among operators as follows: 7.1 million subscribers for Malitel and 14.8 million for Orange Mali. When the report was issued Telecel was not operating, hence its number of followers is still not disclosed.

Data from the 2017 activity report of the AMRTP estimates that the number of subscribers of the fixed and mobile telephone is 22.2 million, with 7.3 million subscribers for Malitel and 14.9 million subscribers for Orange and a 121 percent telephone penetration rate. Country-wise, telephone subscriptions consist mainly of mobile lines, with 22.03 million subscribers and a penetration rate of 99 percent. There were 14.8 million subscribers for Orange and 7.1 million subscribers for SOTELMA/ MALITEL .

Since 2013, the fixed telephony market has registered a modest upward trend. The total fleet stands at 214,893 customers at the end of 2017, including 154,594 lines for Malitel, and 60,299 lines for Orange. The AMRTP serves as a regulator between different operators.