Despite the high penetration of media such as television, radio and more recently the Internet and the widespread use of mobile telephony, Colombia retains much of the traditional ways of communication, particularly in less urban centers. Thus, in the DANE survey related to cultural consumption it was found that in 2017, 74.5 percent of people of 18 years and over claimed to attend meetings of churches, organisations or religious groups, 13.5 percent to Community Action Boards and other bodies of community action and 11.7 percent to meetings of Associations, groups, clubs or recreational, sports, artistic or cultural collectives. In this way, face-to-face communication is still highly valued.
On the other hand, the same study revealed that the type of shows most attended by people aged 12 years and more were concerts, recitals, and indoor or outdoor music performances. The second most common cultural activity carried out by Colombians is the attendance of fairs or artisan exhibitions, followed by theatre, opera or dance and exhibitions, fairs or exhibitions of photography, painting, engraving, drawing, sculpture or graphic arts. Attendance of events is still a very important way of meeting that serves to socialise among a large population. Theatre has become a key form of cultural expression in the post agreement era. The scenic group Casa E led a project called Victus, which means defeated in Latin. The project involves around 20 people formerly belonging to armed groups or police corps, who work together in a social theatre, helping to discuss post conflict reconciliation in a pedagogic way.
Cinema continues occupying a very important strip in the country. People from aged 12 to 25 years old are the ones who most attend cinema according to the study, followed by the group aged 26 to 40 years and finally people aged 41 to 60 years. Bogotá is the city where more people go to the cinema, followed by the pacific region, the central region, the Eastern, the Atlantic and Amazon/Orinoquía with 22.0 percent. However, the wide reception that streaming platforms have had for audiovisual content as well as the access to films through the Internet has been occupying a larger space, expanding a traditional way of communication such as cinema.