Profiles of main tech parks, accelerators, hackathons
The digital age has advanced in Honduras. Since 2014, the first hackathons have been developed. In 2018, more than one hundred young entrepreneurs participated in the Hackathon Honduras Digital Challenge 2018, topics such as citizen security, smart governments and app developers, gathered again. The media, mainly radio and television, are permanently working on innovation and seeking to connect new audiences, for which they develop multimedia apps, and the incorporation of podcasts as a programmatic alternative to transnational musical digital platforms.
In view of this new panorama, the government has signed letters of intent and agreements with Google, Amazon, to strengthen innovation and promote development in technology parks in areas of national interest such as: energy, biotechnology, automation, robotics, and technologies of information and communication. Meanwhile, every year the Honduras Girls in ICT Day is celebrated in April, as part of a global initiative promoted by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) that seeks social inclusion of the girls in the information and communication technologies as a mechanism to fight against exclusion and digital illiteracy.