Mobile ownership
In Guatemala there are 19.06m smartphones with Internet connection, this is equivalent to 112 percent of the population. A very important fact revealed by this study is that 94 percent of users enter the Internet using prepaid plans, compared to 6 percent who have postpaid plans. This means that Internet consumption is very expensive and only a small part of the population has the ability to be connected 24 hours a day without relying on Wi-Fi signal.
Of all cell phone users, in 2017, 52 percent is a Tigo customer, 27 percent belongs to Claro and 21 percent to Movistar/Tuenti. A study by Google for the region indicates that out of every 10 mobile devices, eight use an Android system and two IOS. Access to the Internet and mobile devices is similar between men and women. 46 percent of Internet connections come from desktops, 52 from smartphones, 2 from tablets and 0.09 from other devices. The average age of Internet users is 22.4 years old, 49.2 percent are men and 50.8 are women.