Main trends
Based on data from the App Store of Apple and Google Play of Android by 2018 the two most downloaded applications by Guatemalans are WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. This can be used as an indicator that establishes the most used digital tools to communicate in the country. These applications are also the most used to consume and share information and news.
The most important factor that has allowed the increased use of these applications is that companies, in order to gain more customers, sell data packages that allow unlimited access to certain applications at low prices. According to the study Digital in Central America in 2018, there are 7.2 million active social media users in Guatemala. Other networks such as Youtube, Twitter, Instagram do not exceed 7 percent of the population. Only 2 percent use an application to perform banking transactions, and 4 percent pay their bills online. The apps developed by media are not yet attractive for Guatemalans.