
Traditional mail is still used in Azerbaijan. As a result of rapid technological advancement, postal operators in the country have been provided with the opportunity to develop financial services by using the existing platform of Azerpocht. Free access to banking and financial services is provided also in rural areas and in small towns, as well as large-scale services to customers through post offices.

Telephones have been one of the most effective traditional communication channels both in businesses and households. Telephone communication was established in Azerbaijan by the construction of the first telephone line by the Nobel Brothers’ Society in 1881. In the following years while the telecommunications sector was developing, telephone communication was established not only in the city centre or in suburban areas, but also in rural areas. The Baku Intercity Telephone Station began to function in 1933. Over the years, several important steps were taken towards the establishment of telephone lines in all the cities and villages of the Republic. In 1992, Aztelekom Production Union was founded on the basis of Telephone Communications Production Union for the purpose of rendering a number of telecommunications services in the whole regions of the Republic.

Concerts, theatres, festivals, sports have increased in popularity with the emergence of online sales, which made attending them easier and accessible for all. was launched in 2016 to provide online ticket sales service for a wide range of events. More than 20 ticket sales outlets in Baku are operated by Since 2017, is the official ticket provider and supporter of IV Islamic Solidarity Games, Azerbaijan Grand Prix Formula 1 2017 and 2018, European Women' Volleyball Championships 2017, UEFA Champions’ League Group Stage, BMX World Cycling Championship in Baku, JARA'18 Music Festival, Azerbaijan Judo Federation and AFFA as well.

Religious communities also play a role in the country’s communication. However this form of communication is regulated by law, meaning that a state registration is a necessary condition for any congregation and mass religious activities are under the control of the state.