Landscape analysis

Authorities are aware that the country must acquire newer and more efficient technologies to produce life-saving treatments, increase access to modern energy and communication services, develop its industrial base and create wealth and jobs. On 24 November, 2010, in the midst of an African wave of unprecedented economic and social growth, fuelled in part by the diffusion and rapid adoption of new technologies, the government organised the first National Exhibition of Invention and Technological Innovation (SANIIT) in Bangui. A few months earlier the first national forum on science, technology and innovation for development was organised by the Ministry of National Education, in partnership with UNESCO and the Kamach group. According to the government, the objective was to adopt recommendations to develop and implement a science, technology and innovation (STI) policy, a national research system and a mechanism for funding scientific research and innovation, to increase the potential in science and technology of the country. After nine years, nothing seems to be moving and no funding is on the agenda.

However, after the establishment of the new government of Prime Minister Firmin Ngrébada on 22 March 2019, the Minister of Scientific Research and Technological Innovation, Ms Ginette Amara Ali Mazicki, said that her department was currently working on a few projects, especially their reformulation in order to align them with the guidelines of the National Recovery and Peacebuilding Plan (RCPCA) in order to facilitate their funding by partners from the Central African Republic.

In addition, the Minister believes that it is necessary to define "in a concerted manner, research priorities and the creation of strategic alliances between researchers, decision-makers, politicians and social actors for the sustainable development of the Central African Republic."