Audience measurement organisations

In 1965 Media Analyse was founded  by publishing houses and advertising agencies to measure the readership of the press the association. The main purpose was and is to measure the reach of newspapers (daily, weekly, monthly) in Austria. Some 15,000 interviews are conducted every year, using all methods like computer assisted, web assisted and face-to-face interviews.

Since 2005, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Teletest (AGTT) is constantly measuring the use of television in Austria. All major Austrian television providers as well as advertising marketers are members of this company which runs a representative panel of 1,600 Austrian households comprising 3,200 people (2016). It delivers data on market shares and reach for all relevant television channels in Austria.

Market share and reach of radio is measured by Radiotest, operated by the Austrian subsidiary of the German market research company GfK and commissioned by the ORF, the Austrian radio advertising marketer RMS and KroneHit. Based on computer assisted interviews, Radiotest produces data on radio listening time, market shares and reach of national and regional radio stations.

The use of the Internet and of websites in Austria are measured by two organisations. The market research company Integral is conducting 4,000 representative telephone interviews about the Internet use of the Austrian population, complemented by up to another 1,500 online interviews every quarter. Its Austrian Internet Monitor (AIM) provides data on the development of internet usage. Furthermore, the use of Austrian websites carrying advertising is measured since 1998 by Österreichische Webanalyse (ÖWA) based on Internet traffic information. Each month, data about visits, page impressions and unique clients of each participating website are published. It is organised as an association with about 100 members from all sectors of economy.