Paolo Mancini
is Full Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Perugia. His major publications include "Politics, Media and Modern Democracy" with David Swanson (New York, Praeger, 1996), “Elogio della lottizzazione” (Laterza, 2009), “Between Commodification and Lifestyle Politics. Does Silvio Berlusconi Provide a New Model of Politics for the Twenty –First Century” (Oxford, 2011), “Il post partito” (Bologna, 2015)
In 2004 with Dan Hallin, Mancini published Comparing Media Systems. Three Models of Media and Politics (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press). This book won the 2005 Goldsmith Book Award from Harvard University, the 2005 Diamond Anniversary Book Award of the National Communication Association and the 2006 outstanding Book Award of the International Communication Association. Mancini has published articles in all major communication and journalism studies journals. Presently Mancini is coordinating the WP6 “Media and corruption” within the 7th Framewoek Programme ANTICORRP (Global trends and European Responses to the Challenge of Corruption)