Trade unions
The Spanish media have several employers’ organisations, which bring together most of the companies in the sector. They meet according to platforms -press, radio and television- but there is no organisation that represents the interests of all communication companies as a whole.
In the printed press, the two main organisations are the Asociación de Editores de Diarios Españoles (Spanish Association of Daily Publishers - AEDE) and the Asociación Española de Publicaciones Periódicas (Spanish Association of Periodical Publications - AEEPP). The first, and most influential, covers the main paid newspapers, while the second is composed of specialised publications, local magazines and free newspapers.
In the field of digital media, in 2009, an employers’ organisation, called MediosOn, which represented the interests of a large number of internet media, particularly those linked to printed newspapers was founded. However, after a period of some activity in its early years, it was dissolved in 2014. In 2017, several press publishing companies in Spain (PRISA, Unidad Editorial, Grupo Godó, Vocento and Iogenia) are part of the Online Publishers Association Europe (OPA Europe).
In the field of audiovisual media, the two main employers’ organisations are the Unión de Televisiones Comerciales Asociadas (Union of Associated Commercial Televisions - UTECA) and the Asociación Española de Radios Comerciales (Spanish Association of Commercial Radios - AERC). The regional radio and television corporations are also grouped into one organisation, the Federación de Organismos de Radio y Televisión Autonómicos (Federation of Regional Radio and Television Organisations - FORTA).