
The transfer of information from traditional media (printed newspapers, linear radio and television via terrestrial transmission) to new content formats transmitted via Internet (WiFi, mobile phone networks) creates problems for the old media. Nevertheless, people are still interested in news and information. Local information and high-quality analysis are highly appreciated. Until around year 1990 or 2000, all segments of the Norwegian population consumed the same media. Today there is a strong age gap in the reading of newspapers. It is possible that this will change to a differentiation according to education (or class). Whether this will lead to an increase in the information gaps in society, depends mainly on how the other media produce the necessary information, and on how the audience will select media content. Social media also provide a source of information and political opinion. The links between politicians and the citizens may become more direct, but the quality control and the critical evaluations that are provided by journalists in the edited media may be available to a more specialised part of the population.