Audience measurement organisations
MEDIAN Agency runs the MML-TGI media monitoring project. This is, in their words, the most extensive (8,000 interviews) and continuous (since 1996) study about consumption with more than 300 types of services and 3,000 individual brands connected to data on television ratings, radio ratings, print media ratings and online activities. In addition, its RADIOPROJECT includes a sample of 1,000 respondents surveyed monthly and the results are published every 3-month moving average, thus the overall sample amounts to 3,000 respondents. The results are published monthly. The data contain basic information about radios, possibility of reception, listenership from last week and yesterday, with detailed indicators and shares, including the basic demographics of the respondent. The adMeter technology was launched onto the market in 2012 as part of a pilot radio and television audience measurement.
The Interactive Advertising Bureau Slovakia (IAB, previously known as Association of Internet Media until 2011) is an association of 34 media and advertising companies. One of the self-declared tasks of IAB is also to contribute to the professionalisation of the Internet as an advertising medium through providing single source data related to audience measurement and socio-demographic profiles of Internet media. It runs AIMmonitor which is an online media monitoring tool based on gemiusAudience™.
TNS Slovakia is part of international networks WPP and Kantar Group. TNS Slovakia offers complete marketing research. TNS Slovakia only partially specialises in media research within Section Custom Media (ad-hoc research plus supplemental information on viewership measurement). TNS Slovakia claims to be is strong in peoplemeter method of measurement of viewerships of television. This has been realised since 2004 (sample is 1,200 households).
Agency FOCUS was established in 1991. FOCUS has implemented more than 700 research projects in various areas of marketing and public opinion polls. FOCUS carries researches with large samplings (2,000-3,000 respondents). It claims to have the most stable and experienced team of interviewers (approximately 200 interviewers). However, in the last years it has not focused on the media. Newton Media (previously media monitoring) occasionally publishes within its project some brief analysis mostly based on quantitative data. Ipsos MediaCT focuses on media market, media types, and media consumers behaviour.