Rami Musa
is a Libyan journalist based in Benghazi, Libya and working for The Associated Press (AP) since 2011. He is a freelance researcher and analyst who worked for Altai Consultancy, USIP, CRCM, Eurasia, Peaceful Change Initiative and multiple other research and consultancy agencies. He also launched a number of initiatives on peace journalism, cyber security and privacy for human-rights defenders and journalists, and Internet and media ethics.
His work focuses primarily on Libya in various areas such as security, rule of law, governance and media, entrepreneurship and technology. In 2013 he earned his MBA in Leadership as a Chevening scholar at the Guildhall School of Business and Law in London, UK. He also worked on a number of development projects for international development organisations such as GIZ, Acted and UNDP, in various fields including disarmament, reconciliation and local governance