Journalists associations

The active associations of journalists in Burundi include the Association des Femmes Journalistes du Burundi (Association of Women Journalists - AFJO), which has gender equality in its objectives. Sports journalists gather in the Association des Journalistes des Sports du Burundi (Association of Sports Journalists - AJS). Some journalists came together around the goal of development, founding the Réseau des Journalistes pour le Développement Humain Durable (Association of Journalists for Sustainable Human Development - RJDHD). Others are fighting against AIDS through the Association des Journalistes Burundais pour la Lutte contre le SIDA (Association of Burundian Journalists for the fight against AIDS - RBJS). Directors of radios also form the association known as Association Burundaise des Radiodiffuseurs (Burundi Association of Radios - ABR).

The Maison de la Presse du Burundi is a hub of development, documenting and professional training as well as a permanent support structure of the professional organisations, which relatively enjoys considerable exposure. Launched in 1997 with the support of UNESCO, it organises trainings for journalists and receives technical support from the German-funded Eirene Project.

The above-mentioned Observatoire de la Presse Burundaise (Burundian Press Observatory - OPB), whose President Innocent Muhozi fled to Rwanda in the 2015 crisis, is experiencing operational difficulties, although it is in charge of the self-regulation of the media.